Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Secret to Happiness

"The Attitude of Gratitude is the highest form of Yoga." - Yogi Bhajan

Happiness is something we all wish for.  I recently read this wonderful book titled "What Happy People know".   Do you know what happy people know? They know, to be appreciative.  It has been studied, and happy people, live in appreciation for what they have.   Here is a list of things that you can be grateful for:

Appreciate Being Canadian...
As Canadians we live in a land of peace and abundance.  We are given choices to create a life of comfort,  opportunity and fulfillment.  

 Appreciate the dawn of a new day...
  It is a gift to be alive and living this life experience.  We never know, when our last intake of breath will be, appreciate, this very life you live.

 Appreciate your income...
Whether you love your employment or it's merely a way of sustaining  yourself, you can appreciate the in flow of money it brings.  

Appreciate the hard times...
There are moments in life that are hard, and feel like a struggle.  These moments are gifts, as they are a compass, pointing us in the right direction.  It is up to us, to listen, to be attentive,  to be honest, to move forward, and be aware of these deep learning experiences.

 Appreciate the good Times ...
There are  great moments of joy and happiness.  Feel that joy with every fibre of your being. 

Appreciate this very moment…
Get out of thinking mode and appreciate the happenings of the here and now. 

Appreciate the natural world around you…
Notice the changing of the seasons, revel in the trees that surround you and how they clean the air you breath, notice the singsong of birds,  the crisp fresh air, the wide open blue sky,  rain drops on your face. Everyday, simply notice and revel in the beauty of nature. 

Appreciate the Food that sustains you…
Eat and partake in food that makes you feel alive.  Eat consciously and with love for the sustenance that the Earth provides.

Appreciate the Gift of Choice…
You have the power to choose your perspective in life, choose appreciation and gratitude. 

Appreciate Yoga and Meditation…
Practice yoga and meditation as it is that gift that allows you to be open and live in a state of appreciation/gratitude.

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